Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June 10th

Hey ya'll!

Things are going so well at the MTC.  I can't believe it is time to leave already.  We are all leaving Monday the 13 at 6 am so we have to wake up at 2 to be ready to leave by 3! Its gonna be crazy! We’ve got a layover in Dallas at 9 35 to 11 10 so i will call you then.

Anyway being district leader is great. Its super easy when your district governs themselves so you don't have to be the bad guy. The worst thing I’ve had to do is to tell the sisters that when we sing we will sing all the verses of our songs, that’s just how it is. They only wanted to sing one verse and everyone else wants to sing all of them, so that as mean as I’ve had to be.  Its been great though. 

Elder Crawley, one of the guys going to Washington, was a total gang banger and druggy, but he's totally cleaned up his life and is already one of the better missionaries in out district. He's amazing and such and example of how to change your life, it is amazing to me.  Everything's going well with my companion, we've been teaching some fake investigators for practice, and its amazing, our give and take is great.  whenever one of us runs out of words to say the other steps in right at the correct moment with just the right thing to say! too bad we won't be comps in Mississippi, cuz we'd be amazing.

  Its kinda weird doing interviews every week as a DL, but its a good experience I suppose.  I just feel like everyone I’m interviewing is just as good as if not better than me so Idon't know why I got put into this leadership position, its been a good growing experience though.  I have to lead the group discussions when we have district meeting about every other day, that’s the weirdest thing cuz they're trying out this new system thing and we're the guinny pigs, so nobody's really taught me what i need to do.  I just kinda do whatever I think we should do as directed by the spirit. 

 The other day as a district building exercise, (time to have fun together) all the elders got together in our dorms and we worked on this  'big mac rap'  thing, its a youtube video but we've added more parts to it and added more verses and such, its just an acappela beat box rap thing, its pretty funny, its about ordering at McDonalds, but we do it and its amazing! we've filmed it a couple times and shown it to our teachers and stuff, they all love it. 

 Our teachers tell us we're the best district they've had, so that makes us happy.  We all love learning, studying, and having fun so it makes it really easy on my part.  Sometimes we get a little off task, just like i did in hs, haha. But we've been working on that and we're basically angels right now. We're all doing very well and there is hardly any contention within our district.  I love these guys.  I’m gonna miss the Washington elders so much! Elders Frie, Manning, Crawley and Williams.  they are all super elders, and most of them are going to USU after, so we're gonna take elder Duran’s RV converted bus thing out to California where elder Crawley is from like the second week we get back from our missions, and just visit and have fun and go to the beach, it's gonna be sick! Oh, and while I'm thinking of it, thanks for the doughnuts! that was awesome! Shalese and Cam sent me a package too, it had chips, cheese sauce, and candy in it, their so kind =). 

 Well, anyway thanks for paying my ticket, out of my account, and making it so I don't have a warrant out for my arrest anymore, although I was kinda hoping they'd arrest me so I could have an awesome story to tell later in life, oh well I suppose.  I got a haircut today and they didn't butcher me! I’m so happy!  well, the next time I talk to you guys will be from Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, or Arkansas, who knows? Well, thanks so much for everything and for the letters! I love you guys! Thanks so much for everything.  Hope my facebook is doing well! haha, I’ve only gotten letters from the family and Rilee, so yeah, I do enjoy letters :)  I’ve got three minutes left and don't know what else to say, so I’ll talk to ya'll later! Sei Treu Liebe Euchj!

Elder Zachary Green

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